Bouncing the light

There’s been a lot of talk on one of my photography message boards about the Light Scoop. Basic premise is that if you can’t afford an external flash, you can buy this little gadget and increase your indoor picture taking capabilities.

From what I can tell the Pros to the gadget are that: Yes, it does work (but only in certain situations). You can attach it easily to your camera.

Cons: You have to follow very specific directions on your camera for it to work properly. It costs money.

Ok, then, what to do? Spend money on the gadget, or look for other ways to bounce your flash off the ceiling? I chose to follow what others have done and try my own.

My very own light bouncer. An index card covered in foil. Simple, easy, but not remotely elegant. Oh well, I was looking for functional.

How did it work? Awesomely. The following photos were taken in sequence with the same settings (all straight out of the camera): ISO 800, and Aperture f/5.0.

Without flash:

Flash (+2):

Flash (+2) with index card/foil:

Call me a believer in bouncing light. However, I’m not sold on the Light Scoop.

And, because I took other pictures tonight using the thing:

11 responses to “Bouncing the light

  1. coming over from the bump photography board. I really like what you made. Seems like it works just fine! Your pics turned out great! Of course, I’m also a big fan of them because of the subject. I have a boston terrier and I LOVE her!!! Good job!

  2. Pingback: Light Bouncer

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